Monday, July 6, 2020


Remember when you would have done almost anything for you husband or wife? You might have even been willing to lay down your life for them, but now that's just some distant memory. In fact, you might even be wondering if you can even save your marriage.

Why your marriage will fail and how to avoid it
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Why your marriage will fail, and what to do about it will show you how to change the course of your relationship with your spouse. The truth is you can read all the books, listen to all the experts, do all of the right things, and still have your marriage fail. Sometimes you have to step outside of the box and do some things that are considered unconventional to actually make an impact in your relationship that will be strong enough to make your relationship return to its plotted course.

I've observed that many people are convinced that they know what's best for their relationship, only to find that they were very wrong. Sadly people don't take the time, do the research, nor gain any experience in understanding the dynamics of relationships before they dive right in or even when they seek to help someone else’s. In fact, most of the time when people are counseled they still end divorced anyway. The bible tells us that we are transformed be the renewing of our minds, so before we can change our attitudes and change our actions we must change our minds. 

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